Premiere on 3 November 2023 at the Palacio de Festivales de Santander
Author and director: Juan Carlos Rubio
Musical director and composer: Julio Awad
Choreographer: Rubén Olmo
Assistant director: Isabel Romero de León (COART+E)
Set design: Leticia Gañán y Curt Allen Wilmer (Estudiodedos)
Lighting designer: José Manuel Guerra
Sound designer and technician: Fran Gude
Figure designer: Guadalupe Valero
Photographer and graphic designer: Javier Naval
Assistant photographer: Antonio Moreno
Costume designer: Gabriel Besa
Design and tailoring of the dressing gown: Francisco Alegre y David Espejo
Headdresses: Mélida Molina
Costumes: El baúl de la Mota
Characterisation design: Chema Noci
Production assistant: Emmanuel de Martino
Wrestling specialist: Kike Inchausti
Press and communication: María Díaz
Dossier and hand programme producer: Luis Miguel Serrano (La Alegría Producciones)
Set construction: Mambo decorados y SCENIK
Technical and lighting chief: Carlos Barahona
Machinist: Eduardo Martín Díez
Truck driver: Javier Guerra
Manager, tailor and regidora: Clara López Galán
Main actors: Christian Escuredo, Dídac Flores, Carmen Raigón, Marta Valverde
Producers: Txalo, Olympia Metropolitana, Pentación y La Alegría
Executive Producers: Txalo y La Alegría Producciones
Distributors: Txalo, Olympia Metropolitana y Pentación

Photos: Javier Naval y Estudiodedos